BARRY FARM: Community, Land and Justice in Washington DC
The empty fields of Barry Farm hold powerful memories of enslaved people from one of DC’s first thriving Black communities. In 2018 the community members were removed to make way for a mixed-income redevelopment.
Told by generations of residents, artists, musicians, and analysts, as well as DC’s leading historians, BARRY FARM (1x60) is a story of a community that is at risk of being erased.
The film, a collaboration between The Bertelsmann Foundation and Empower DC’s, DC Legacy Project, shares a journey for community, land, and justice in the nation’s capital.
BARRY FARM: Community, Land and Justice in Washington DC released in June 2024 from NETA. Produced by The Bertelsmann Foundation and Empower DC’s DC Legacy Project. Presented by WHUT - Howard University Television.