Image courtesy Habitat Media

Opening with a look at the vital modern uses of plastic alongside a tsunami of disposable, single-use products that overwhelm recycling efforts, the filmmakers take their cameras on a colorful journey to where millions of tons of plastic are being produced each year in Appalachia and Louisiana. The quest begins with narrator Peter Coyote’s question, “how do we keep the benefits that plastics provide, but protect ourselves from the negative impacts…and why does this waste continue to grow despite so many efforts to reduce it?” What they discover has deep historical roots affecting economic realities that spawn government incentives to keep boosting plastic production. With an even-handed and non-partisan approach that connects with citizens across the spectrum, the film reveals unique obstacles to solving the problem in the United States—in contrast to the success countries like France are having.

SINGLE-USE PLANET (1X60) is distributed through NETA. Produced by Habitat Media and presented by KQED.